Cesar Chavez & Valencia Oct 1947

View northwest across Cesar Chavez (then Army Street) toward Valencia, 1500 Valencia (Buckingham and Hecht - True Merit Shoes Factory, built 1888, Macy & Jordan, Architects. Still stands in 2024) in the background. A crowd of ILWU pickets blocking deliveries to the Sears store, some by laying on the ground. Seaside gas station on northeast corner of Valencia and Cesar Chavez.
Aaron Rubino / (Courtesy of David Gallagher)
Cesar Chavez & Valencia Cesar Chavez & Valencia

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Please cite this image:SFMemory.org / sfm010-00216
Keywords: billboard gas station police people crowd news event labor poc
Neighborhoods: Mission

Format: negative, 4" x 5" (10cm x 13cm)

Added on Mar 31, 2024


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